The history of Heuer Hebetechnik GmbH

Here we offer you a summary into the history of the companies Heuer - Hammer GmbH & Co. KG and Bernfried Heuer GmbH




















































Foundig of the company Huf - und Wagenschmiede Heinrich Heuer by the blacksmith Heinrich Heuer (16.08.1868 - 17.05.1928)


 Assumption of the management by the engeneer

Josef Heuer (24.05.1894 - 20.11.1948)


Renaming the company Heinrich Heuer in Heuer - Hammer


Installation of the first steam hammer


Development of cold presses for the production of screws, bolts and rivets,

as well as similar parts of wire coil


Begining of the devolopement of many patents by Josef Heuer, such as


the required  suspension of the conveyer cage for mining. This is state of the art in this area even today


for road trafic the Heuer - Ampel


for every workshop the Schraubstock "Heuer Front". You will still find it today in many workshops


in addition, many special domestic and foreign patents


Entry of Heinz-Theodor Heuer

(11.03.1923 - 03.08.1986) into the management.


Entry of engineer Franz Josef Heuer (02.11.1929 - 21.11.2003)

into the management


Entry into the management of engineer

Bernfried Heuer, born at 14.02.1934


Bernfried Heuer leaved the company Heuer - Hammer and founded the company Bernfried Heuer as a mechanical engineering company und production of the presses under the name Heuer - Pressen.


re-entry of Bernfried Heuer into the company Heuer - Hammer and takeover of the commercial management


liquidation of the company Heuer - Hammer and continuation of the load hook business into the company Bernfried Heuer Dipl. - Ing. GmbH.


Sale of the company  Bernfried Heuer and continuation of the load hook business by the new owner Heuer Hebetechnik.


Appointment of Gerhard Tomaschko to the management.


connection to the Van Beest Group